Feel free to report all bugs and glitches by creating an issue in the <ahref="https://github.com/Mr-KayJayDee/discord-crowdin-status/issues">issue section.</a>
A correct and understandable issue contains :
- Steps to reproduce
- *Code that summonned the error (optional)*
- The complete error
Please join [this](https://discord.gg/7SBruKCTvQ) community server to follow all my projects or if you need help.
> Rename the ``config.json.example`` file to ``config.json``.
> Rename the ``.env.example`` file to ``.env``.
### Token
Replace ``YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_GOES_HERE`` by your discord bot token in the .env file.
### Project Name
Replace ``YOUR_PROJECT_NAME`` by your crowdin project name in the .env file.
### Login
Replace ``YOUR_USERNAME`` by your crowdin username in the .env file.
### Account Key
Replace ``YOUR_ACCOUNT_API_KEY`` by your crowdin account key in the .env file. (know how to get this key <ahref="https://support.crowdin.com/account-settings/#api">here.</a>
### Status Channel
Put your channel id in the ``channel`` key in the config.json file.
### Edit Time
Put the time you want the bot to check and update with new data. (In millisecond) in the ``editTime`` key in the config.json file.