const { Client } = require(`@androz2091/insta.js`), Collection = require(`@discordjs/collection`) path = require(`path`); class InstaBot extends Client { constructor(options) { super(options); [`commands`, `aliases`, `cooldowns`].forEach(x => this[x] = new Collection()); this.config = require(`../config`); this.logger = require(`../Helpers/logger`); this.usersData = require(`../Models/Users`); this.groupsData = require(`../Models/Groups`) this.groupMembersData = require(`../Models/GroupMembers`) this.databaseCache = {}; this.databaseCache.users = new Collection(); this.databaseCache.groups = new Collection(); this.databaseCache.groupMembers = new Collection(); } loadCommand(commandPath, commandName) { try { const props = new (require(`.${commandPath}${path.sep}${commandName}`))(this); props.conf.location = commandPath; if (props.init) { props.init(this); } this.commands.set(, props); props.conf.aliases.forEach((alias) => { this.aliases.set(alias,; }); return false; } catch (e) { return `Unable to load command ${commandName}: ${e}`; } } async unloadCommand(commandPath, commandName) { let command; if (this.commands.has(commandName)) { command = this.commands.get(commandName); } else if (this.aliases.has(commandName)) { command = this.commands.get(this.aliases.get(commandName)); } if (!command) { return `The command \`${commandName}\` doesn't seem to exist, nor is it an alias. Try again!`; } if (command.shutdown) { await command.shutdown(this); } delete require.cache[require.resolve(`.${commandPath}${path.sep}${commandName}.js`)]; return false; } async findOrCreateUser({ id: userID }, isLean) { if (this.databaseCache.users.get(userID)) { return isLean ? this.databaseCache.users.get(userID).toJSON() : this.databaseCache.users.get(userID); } else { let userData = (isLean ? await this.usersData.findOne({ id: userID }).populate(`users`).lean() : await this.usersData.findOne({ id: userID }).populate(`users`)); if (userData) { if (!isLean) this.databaseCache.users.set(userID, userData); return userData; } else { userData = new this.usersData({ id: userID }); await; this.databaseCache.users.set(userID, userData); return isLean ? userData.toJSON() : userData; } } } async findOrCreateGroupMember({ id: userID, groupID: groupID }, isLean) { if (this.databaseCache.groupMembers.get(`${userID}-${groupID}`)) { return isLean ? this.databaseCache.groupMembers.get(`${userID}-${groupID}`).toJSON() : this.databaseCache.groupMembers.get(`${userID}-${groupID}`); } else { let groupMemberData = (isLean ? await this.groupMembersData.findOne({ id: userID, groupID: groupID }).populate(`members`).lean() : await this.groupMembersData.findOne({ id: userID, groupID: groupID }).populate(`members`)); if (groupMemberData) { if (!isLean) this.databaseCache.groupMembers.set(`${userID}-${groupID}`, groupMemberData); return groupMemberData; } else { groupMemberData = new this.groupMembersData({ id: userID, groupID: groupID }); await; this.databaseCache.groupMembers.set(`${userID}-${groupID}`, groupMemberData); return isLean ? groupMemberData.toJSON() : groupMemberData; } } } async findOrCreateGroup({ groupID: groupID }, isLean) { if (this.databaseCache.groups.get(groupID)) { return isLean ? this.databaseCache.groups.get(groupID).toJSON() : this.databaseCache.groups.get(groupID); } else { let groupData = (isLean ? await this.groupsData.findOne({ groupID: groupID }).populate(`groups`).lean() : await this.groupsData.findOne({ groupID: groupID }).populate(`groups`)); if (groupData) { if (!isLean) this.databaseCache.groups.set(groupID, groupData); return groupData; } else { groupData = new this.groupsData({ groupID: groupID }); await; this.databaseCache.groups.set(groupID, groupData); return isLean ? groupData.toJSON() : groupData; } } } } module.exports = InstaBot;