Killian' DAL-CIN

Beginner Fullstack Developer


My name is Killian 'DAL-CIN, I am 18 years old, I am passionate about programming, photography, music and sports. Let's talk a bit of my history, I was 15 and a friend told me about Discord that is a Social Network mainly for gamers. As he said I tried, it was hard for me to understand but I managed to create my first server and invite/configure my first bots. I quickly noticed that I needed to invite from 5 to 10 bots on the server to do everything I wanted. Thats's where it came the idea of creating my own discord bot. With one objective always in my head today: "Create a bot that will cover all bot features". Then I searched how to create one and found out that I needed to learn a programming language that is the JavaScript.

Work Experiences

Explored all the capabilities of a Raspberry

February 2021

My high school teacher gave me a Raspberry PI 3b+ for 2 week, this was for me an opportunity to explore what we can do and the power of this litle computer, I can say I enjoyed playing with it. Here is a list of what I did:

  • Create a NAS with the Synology OS
  • Install the desktop environment (+ install Wifi Manager GUI)
  • Use the Raspberry as a Bluetooth speaker (receive bluetooth to transmit the sound to a wired speaker) + connect to a Bluetooth speaker with Bluez
  • Install desktop software like Chromium, Minecraft PI or Visual Studio Code
  • Mine Bitcoins, Moneros and Ethereum
  • Install Retropie and play some old games like the first Mario Kart

Virtual Tour Creation And Organization

February 2020

My high school teacher and me had an idea to create a Virtual tour with 360° vidéos to allow everyone to visit the school from the web. I was the only one that organized and created the project.

  • First we needed to create a menu to allow the user to navigate and select the part of the school or section he wants to see (like Hairdressing, Aesthétic or Digital Systems).
  • Secondly we bought a GoPro Max 360 to take the shots everywhere in the school, then we needed to import them in the software we used 3DVista Virtual Tour and create the lists of zones users can visit.
  • Finnaly we installed the project on our high school website so that everyone can see it.

Image database/generation creation

2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021

An API is an Application Programming Interface, more simply, a web server allowing users to request an image of a certain category and a random image is returned, as well as the possibility of requesting a generated one with the image sent in the parameters of the request.

Over time more and more users started to use it and our hosting server quickly ran out of resources and slowdowns were noticed so we decided to close the API to the public and keep it privately but in 2020 we had the idea to create a npmjs package discord-image-generation to solve the resource problem, all generations are now done on the client side.

Instagram Bot

August 2020

I was searching on internet for new idea when I found Insta.js an instagram library to use the main chat features of instagram. So I decided to test it and create my first open source github project instagram-bot.

This bots main features are images generations that uses discord-image-generation and takes the uses avatar to create the images. It has a database to allow the user to change the commands prefix of every groups and private messages. It also has a bingo command for groups chat, the objective of this game is to find and random generated number by proposing number in the chat.

Discord Crowdin Status Link

December 2020

On my free time i visited random discord server i was and saw a channel where a guy was struggling with the percentage of translation that was finished, by editing his message every single day. So an idea came up to me "can i make it automatic ?". I searched a bit on the crowdin documentation and found out that we could make requests to their api and get all the statistics about the translations.

All the translations informations are fetched from the Crowdin API, and then parsed by a litle code to create a Discord.js Embed.
Here are the important infos on this project:

  • It is easy for everyone to install and configure and it does not take more than 30mb of RAM in use.
  • Everything can be configured, from the discord status channel to the delay beetween every updates or wether to display the project link in the message or not.
  • The best part is that it took me only 30min to understand the api and code the project. So everyone has the capacity to simplify their life and optimize their working environments by creating project like this.

Amandine Discord Bot

January 2019

Amandine is a multipurpose bot that can help people create and manage their discord servers.
This discord bot is my very first project and it is today always actively maintained, i work hard every days on new features and improvements to make the use of it better and better. I just want the people to enjoy using it and understanding quickly how she works with features like:

  • A full moderation system with logging of everything on the server to allow moderators to know who is doing what on the server and have a preview of the server structure
  • Many images and images generations that uses the discord-image-generation package and the images database that we have on our server.
  • Tools are here to help you with you discord everyday life and game are here to make your days better.

Future Projects

Advert Zone

Not Started

Advert Zone will be a website that allow everyone to advertise their communities. It will be easy for everyone to grow their server wit a system that will highlight little communities and help them.

Now, who would be able to advertise ?
  • Discord Bots and Servers Owners
  • Youtubers, Content Creators, Drawer, Musicians, Singers (Artists)
  • Small businesses like online shop etc...