Discord server # discord-image-generation A powerfull module that allow you to generate awesome images. # Bugs and glitches Feel free to report all bugs and glitches by creating an issue in the issue section. A correct and understandable issue contains : - Steps to reproduce - Code that summonned the error - The complete error You can also join me on my discord server. # Download You can download it from npmjs. ```cli npm i discord-image-generation ``` # Configuration The first step is to import the module in your code. ```js const DIG = require("discord-image-generation"); ``` Then you have to request your image and send it as an attachement. ```js // Import the discord.js library. const Discord = require("discord.js") // Create a new discord.js client. const bot = new Discord.Client() const DIG = require("discord-image-generation"); // Listen to the ready event bot.on("ready", () => { console.log("ok"); }) // Listen to the message event bot.on("message", async (message) => { if (message.content === "*delete") { // Get the avatarUrl of the user let avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' }); // Make the image let img = await DIG.delete().getImage(avatar) // Add the image as an attachement let attach = new Discord.MessageAttachment(img, "delete.png");; message.channel.send(attach) } }) // Log in to the bot bot.login("super_secret_token") ```` # Available images ## Filters - .Blur().getImage(``, ``); ![Blur](https://imgur.com/JqpNFTY.png) - .Gay().getImage(``); ![Gay](https://imgur.com/BDTrXzZ.png) - .Greyscale().getImage(``); ![Greyscale](https://imgur.com/h3ahY7Z.png) - .Invert().getImage(``); ![Invert](https://imgur.com/Rl0wGQM.png) - .Sepia().getImage(``); ![Sepia](https://imgur.com/OTbKVtj.png) ## Gifs - .Blink().getImage() ![Blink](https://imgur.com/JjUXmRU.gif) - .Triggered().getImage(``); ![Triggered](https://imgur.com/0QvyYQa.gif) ## Montage - .Affect().getImage(``); ![Affect](https://imgur.com/g4Gaehb.png) - .Batslap().getImage(``, ``); ![Batslap](https://imgur.com/oYMpa5A.png) - .Beautiful().getImage(``); ![Beautiful](https://imgur.com/HGZkmXo.png) - .Bed().getImage(``, ``); ![Bed](https://imgur.com/b1idSnr.png) - .Delete().getImage(``); ![Delete](https://imgur.com/6V1IYJp.png) - .Facepalm().getImage(``); ![Facepalm](https://imgur.com/cdPC3P1.png) - .Hitler().getImage(``); ![Hitler](https://imgur.com/wK9puxH.png) - .Jail().getImage(``); ![Jail](https://imgur.com/QslACNo.png) - .Kiss().getImage(``, ``); ![Kiss](https://imgur.com/sSoCAeH.png) - .Mms().getImage(``); ![MMS](https://imgur.com/nH3URHb.png) - .Rip().getImage(``); ![RIP](https://imgur.com/MgsRH8o.png) - .Spank().getImage(``, ``); ![Spank](https://imgur.com/VRvogo7.png) - .Tatoo().getImage(``) ![Tatoo](https://imgur.com/wJju4UJ.png) - .Thomas().getImage(``); ![Thomas](https://imgur.com/7R37J2j.png) - .Trash().getImage(``); ![Trash](https://imgur.com/nwAHGgF.png) - .Wanted().getImage(``, ``); > Currency ($, €, ...) ![Wanted](https://imgur.com/SFGRvSK.png) ## Utils - .Circle().getImage(``); ![Circle](https://imgur.com/0Zo8NYS.png) - .Color().getImage(``); > An hex color is needed, like "#FF0000" ![Color](https://imgur.com/40tMwfe.png) # Changelog ## v1.0.0 - Changed the full structure - Sorted all files in folders - Sorted all files in the README - Fixed .wanted() text bug - Added .blink() - Added a timeout options for .triggered() - Fixed the triggered example not animated - Added some keywords - Bumped jimp from ^0.12.1 to ^0.13.0 - Added workflow to auto publish to npm and github packages on push ## v0.1.14 - Updated .thomas() example ## v0.1.13 - Added example for .tatoo() - Fixed the litle hole at the top of the users pic on .thomas() ## v0.1.12 - Saved all examples to imgur ## v0.1.11 - Added .tatoo() - Updated JSDoc ## v0.1.9 - Added options for the wanted. - The base image has been updated - There is now a random price diplayed - You can now configure a currency - Added .thomas()